22 nov t/m 25 nov 2010
Stockholm FashionWeek
17 jan t/m 20 jan 2011
Hong Kong FashionWeek
19 jan t/m 22 jan 2011
Mercedes-Benz FashionWeek Berlin
26 jan t/m 30 jan 2011
Amsterdam International FashionWeek
3 feb t/m 5 feb 2011
SIMM Madrid International FashionWeek
3 feb t/m 6 feb 2011
CIFF Copenhagen International FashionWeek
18 feb t/m 20 feb 2011
Couture FashionWeek @ New-York
18 feb t/m 23 feb 2011
London FashionWeek
28 feb t/m 6 maart 2011
Oxford FashionWeek
26 maart en 27 maart 2011
Grote maten beurs @ Eindhoven
28 maart t/m 31 maart 2011
China International Clothing and accessories fair
4 juli t/m 7 juli 2011
Hong Kong Fashion Week
♥ Annemieke
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